
California kid’s brush with wokeism over fake ‘blackface’

Talk about ridiculous: A California middle school just suspended an eighth-grader for wearing face paint to a high school football game, and banned him from all school sports events on the claim that it was blackface.

“J.A.,” the Muirland Middle School kid, merely painted his cheeks and under-eyes, albeit with black paint — but photos show it’s just the common fan face job, not anything like what Justin Trudeau or Ralph Northam used to do.

Somehow, the San Diego Unified School District (which even denied an appeal from the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression) insists the paint job amounted to an “offensive comment” with the “intent to harm.”

What’s offensive is the idea that anyone could mistake the obvious here.

Now J.A.’s at risk of carrying an utterly false “racist” label that could mar his reputation for decades, all because educrats feel some need to prove their own exquisite sensitivity.

The message is: Don’t even think about doing anything that anyone can even pretend to see as racist.

The district and the school owe this kid a public apology; heck, they owe the public a public apology.