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Competitive vapers entering ‘cloud chase’ contests: ‘What skateboarding was 20 years ago’

The crown Juul?

Vaping isn’t just a habit — it’s a sport, too, that’s blowing up in popularity.

E-vangelists are entering “cloud chase” contests hosted by vape companies in a trend that dates back at least a decade.

Competitive vapers stand back to back as they inhale as much vapor as their modified device and lungs allow.

Then they exhale before crowds of “cloud gazers.” Wire gauge, battery and juice utilized affect the size and density of the cloud.

Vape enthusiasts travel the world to compete for cash prizes, endorsement deals and custom gear in these smoke shows.

Serious smokers use special gear to improve their chances. 

Puff the magic braggin’: Competitive vapers stand back to back as they inhale as much vapor as their modified device and lungs allow.

Blowing out the biggest cloud isn’t the only way to win.

Some competitions focus on vaping tricks, like making the cloud of smoke into different shapes or moving it in intriguing ways.

The best cloud can be chosen by judges or determined by a yardstick, which is typically placed behind the contestants to measure the length and width of the cloud.

“It’s kind of like the X-Games, or what skateboarding was 20 years ago,” Talia Eisenberg, co-owner of Henley Vaporium, once told Mashable

“The fact that you can sort of modify these devices and then compete against one another to see who can get the biggest cloud drives innovation,” she added.

Vape enthusiasts travel the world to compete for cash prizes, endorsement deals and custom gear in these smoke shows.
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Blowing out the biggest cloud isn’t the only way to win.
Getty Images

Vaping has reached new heights in recent years, especially among kids, despite mounting evidence of its negative health effects.

It has been shown to shrink testicles, cause sperm counts to plummet, and leave users with collapsed lungs.