
How to make rainbows from your rage — during this week’s rare Mars cazimi in Scorpio

We’re all bound for bravery and breakthrough, my babies —and right on time, too.

Betwixt a Venus retrograde in Leo — which really took the hot girl out of the summer — and the culmination of an eclipse cycle on the heavy metal, heavy feels and heavy resistance of the Taurus/Scorpio axis, the general astro energy of the last few months have fallen squarely in the suck.

Blessedly, on Friday November 17, 2023, Mars, the planet of primal urges and personal power, is conjoining the sun, celestial symbol of the self, giving us all a hot shot of vitality, a sacred dose of clarity and a kickstart to the mothertrucking heart.

Buckle up, bless up and read on to learn more.

What is a cazimi?

War monger Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and the ancient ruler of Scorpio.
Getty Images/iStockphoto

I’m delighted you asked.

Cazimi comes form the Arabic word kaṣmīmī, which translates to “as if in the heart.” In astrological terms, a cazimi transpires when a planet is in close or exact conjunction with the sun, right in the infernal heart of it, if you will.

A Mars cazimi occurs when the jock planet of action and aggression, coitus and conflict is within one degree of the GOAT star in our solar system.

A cazimi is a solar amplifier, wherein the inherent energy of a planet is hyped and heightened by its proximity to the sun.

Unlike Mercury cazimis, which occur several times each year, and Venus cazimis, which align every nine months, Mars joins the sun roughly every two years and this go round the punch is packed.


Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio and its favorite place to flex. It’s lacing up patent leather boots, flicking its forked tongue, lighting a cigarette and revving the engine of a murdered-out muscle car, bound for glory, baby.

Visual representation of Mars cazimi in Scorpio.
Getty Images for Triller

A cazimi is something of a solar amplifier/purifier, where the inherent energy of a planet is hyped and heightened by its proximity to the sun.

In effect and on Friday, the planet of vitality is getting a baptism by fire and we’re all coming through the flames better, faster, stronger.

On an emotional level, the intimate joining of the sun (self) and Mars (will) can expand both our confidence and independence, encouraging us to dig deep into our own wells of resource (Scorpio) to bridge the gap between survival and triumph, living and living in excelsis.

Making rainbows outta rage

The aesthetic of Mars in Scorpio is goth jock.

This cazimi marks the beginning of a new, two-year-long Mars cycle for each of us.

Mars is swinging d–k, protagonist energy. It knows what it wants and how to advance towards it. Scorpio is a sign synonymous with strategy. Thus, this transit is about setting into motion a scrupulous plan of action.

Remember folks, power translates as ‘to be able.’

In the blinding light of this cazimi, what abilities are you calling forth, what hero’s journey are you embarking on? What have you been told is impossible or taught to minimize? How do you take action? When do you defer?

Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio and its favorite place to flex. It’s lacing up patent leather boots, flicking its forked tongue, lighting a cigarette and revving the engine of a murdered-out muscle car, bound for glory, baby.

If you’ve been feeling like a lost, beige, slug on a pointless path, Mars is here to remind you that you are a star dust alien, born to burn fear as fuel and push yourself to new heights and incredible depths.

Because power is so often misspent, wielded or abused, we tend pull away from our own personal reserves and ultimate potential, disavowing ourselves or surrendering/submitting to the will of others. Clarity about desire and direction might come during the period of the cazimi, but the real story, true healing and ultimate pay off will unfold throughout the two years to come.

Make fear submit — with the aid of Mars.
M. Deutsch/Corbis

Returning to the archetype of Scorpio, it is the sign of transformation, of spinning pain into gold and welcoming discomfort by abjectly refusing to fake anything — save for income tax returns and sometimes their own deaths.

This transit is a prime time to transform (Scorpio) your rage (Mars) and resistance into clarity of purpose. How can anger be an access point to change and a reminder of boundary? This cazimi equates to shedding the skin of what was — and basking in the afterbirth of who we are now free to be.

Get up, get out, get after it.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Build an altar to Mars

Add chili peppers and knives to your Mars altar.

While you’re at it, an excellent way to welcome this new season of Mars is to build an altar that honors the planet and its amplified energy during this cazimi conjunction.

Prepare a level surface with an offering that includes red candles, hot peppers, sharp objects, matches, thyme and ginger.

Mars is directly connected to our physical vitality and this occasion should be marked with deep appreciation for the corporeal form that carries us, enables us, holds us. Sweat is the sacred secretion of Mars, so conjure it with a hot yoga class, a sauna sit or a fire meditation.

Mars is directly connected to our physical vitality and this occasion should be marked with deep appreciation for the corporeal form that carries us, enables us, holds us.

Offer up gratitude for the ways in which anger has been an access point for change in your life. Ask, specifically, for clarity and resolution around Martian issues that have affected and limited you; reacting rather than responding, choosing impulse over intuition, the unhealthy expression or repression of anger, the forfeiture of power, the fear of failure and the inertia of feeling unready.

As they say, where there is a will, there is a way. Mars serves to remind us of the burning, beating, irrefutable way we are meant to move — further, fortified, and ever forward.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.